Catch the Waves
Explore the Ocean
Lunenburg County-built 38’ pleasure boat inspired by the original Cape Island workboat.
Experience the
Freedom to Cruise the Ocean Safely
The first Cape Islander Boat from this new line of production-built cruisers was launched by Dagley’s Boatworks at East LaHave, Nova Scotia last summer (2021).
Sail the Ocean
Achieve the Dream
Cruise the ocean in a stylish new 38' ocean-friendly motorboat.
Prepare for
Fantasy boating on the Ocean
A spacious 38' explorer with a Nova Scotia workboat heritage.

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Have the freedom to cruise the ocean safely – If you are interested in a stylish new 38′ ocean-friendly motorboat, you have landed at the right place.
The layout and detailing of the accommodations reflect co-designer John Steele’s years of live-aboard cruising combined with a career of building custom cruising yachts. On a Cape Sable everything is where it should be: equipped for safe handling by a couple to comfortably cruise wherever you choose.

Thousands of Cape Islanders work the rugged coasts of the Maritimes and New England year round - and have for decades. Creating the new Cape Sable, an efficient cruiser based on this well-proven hull design was a natural evolution!
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Innovative design based on a time-tested concept: The Cape Sable is a brand new boat based on a well-proven, time-tested concept that will be a pleasure to cruise.
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The Builder
Cape Island Cruisers Ltd. was founded in the fall of 2020 by boatbuilder Scott Dagley, owner of Dagley’s Boatworks, East Lahave, Nova Scotia. Scott has been building boats for over 40 years. Cape Sable co-designer John Steele brings the company his years of live-aboard cruising combined with a career of building custom cruising yachts.
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Workboat Heritage
The Cape Sable came originally from Cape Sable Island, in the Barrington Passage area. They were built for lobstering and made out of wood. They were were boats typically powered by a marinized gas engine, had lovely hulls, and were easily driven.
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Watch our video
If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is a video worth? See video of how the custom built Cape Islander Boat, the Stanley cuts through the water. It is one of the safest and most stable cruisers in the water.
Ocean Friendly Motorboats for
Cruising Couples
From it’s historic roots, all the way to its modern redesign, the Stanley is one of the first boats to allow couples to safely sail the ocean in comfort and without fear.
Sailors & Boat Builders
Meet our team
The design and build team at Cape Island Cruisers combines both experience in construction as well as sailing.
What our clients say
She makes no fuss going through the water and at ten knots sips just over a gallon an hour, giving her a cruising range of nearly a thousand miles. You could steam to Bermuda. She’s the kind of boat a retired sailor would love. There’s nothing cranky about this boat.